Psychedelic Process
psychedelic integration, education, training

This page is dedicated to psychedelic science, in particular its psychological and psychotherapeutic perspective. Its purpose is to provide reliable knowledge about psychedelics and to indicate sources of professional assistance in preparing for psychodelic experience and its integration.

Mindful Psychedelic Process Program

Learn how to prepare for psychedelic experience and then integrate it. Check out our new group, mindfulness-based program.

Psychedelic integration

Our offer is addressed to people seeking individual forms of: psychotherapy, preparation for psychedelic experience and psychedelic integration. Our assistance is also directed to people who experience deterioration of mental well-being (e.g., onset or exacerbation of psychotic, anxiety, depressive symptoms, PTSD) following the use of psychedelic substances.

Courses of group psychedelic integration

We offer mindfulness-based group trainings to prepare for psychedelic experiences and give you the tools to integrate them. Check out our offerings and upcoming trainings

Psychedelic trainings

Our training offerings are aimed at those seeking quality education and development in psychedelic science. Check out our offerings and upcoming trainings

Introduction to Psychedelic Science

What are the opportunities and risks of taking psychedelics? What effects do they have on the brain? What are the similarities between psychedelic experiences and meditation practice? The following webinar series produced by experts from the Polish Psychedelic Society for the Psyche Zone at SWPS University will introduce you to the science of psychedelics.

Important information

We do not offer or provide therapy or sittting (care) during experiences with psychedelic substances. We are not encourage anyone to use psychoactive substances. Psychedelic substances are prohibited by Polish and most countries’ laws. This applies both to possession of these substances for personal use and any form of distribution.